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Your letters and testimonials tell us how this site is making a difference in your lives. Below are some comments received from members.

I wrote to thank you for all you are doing and still going to do to make singles find their perfect match, I have found my dream wife. and I know that I would spend the rest of my life with her. No one had ever made me feel this way before. We hope other members will gain from this service too... Mike, 2006-04-20

After having a lot of ups and downs in my lovelife i felt that there is no hope left for me, and i am going to spend my life alone! Then i met someone ... thank you for restoring my faith in true love again.... Mary, 2006-08-16

I came across your website on a search engine and thought I would give it a try. I'd been single for seven years and was really starting to miss having a companion. As I was searching through the different faces I saw HIS profile and thought I'd send HIM a message, when HE replied it was magic! Our first meeting was beautiful, we got on so well and after Lunch we went out to play on the BEACH with our arms around each other! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with HIM! Thank you to all of you! Helen, 2006-01-12

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