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58 kg(128 lbs)
Gabon&DefPhotoUrl=/uploades/icons/thumb_351_35272a18.jpg&PhotoW=65&PhotoH=75"> 58 kg(128 lbs)
Gabon&DefPhotoUrl=/uploades/icons/thumb_351_35272a18.jpg&PhotoW=65&PhotoH=75" swliveconnect="true" quality="high" width="252" height="170" name="flash_shoutbox_emb" id="flash_shoutbox_emb" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
58 kg(128 lbs)
Gabon&DefPhotoUrl=/uploades/icons/thumb_351_35272a18.jpg&PhotoW=65&PhotoH=75"> 58 kg(128 lbs)
Gabon&DefPhotoUrl=/uploades/icons/thumb_351_35272a18.jpg&PhotoW=65&PhotoH=75" swliveconnect="true" quality="high" width="252" height="170" name="flash_shoutbox_emb" id="flash_shoutbox_emb" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
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What if the photo won't match?!
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What if the photo won't match?!

Author Message
10-11-2007 12:47
It's weird)
Very ofetn people are different in reality from the image they have online. Share the stories about the cases of wrong personality and looks.
06-28-2008 07:20
Re: Bad dates!
demo23 said:

I had millions of dates and most of them were unsuccessful(( Please help!
06-28-2008 07:20
Re: It's weird)
admin said:
Very ofetn people are different in reality from the image they have online. Share the stories about the cases of wrong personality and looks.
Yes I had that with one of the girls, she turned out to be quite different person that I thought

01-20-2009 19:41
Re: It's weird)
chubuk said:
Very ofetn people are different in reality from the image they have online. Share the stories about the cases of wrong personality and looks.


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\n'); } function GetMovieObj() { if (window.ActiveXObject) { if (document.getElementById) { return document.getElementById('flash_im_popup_obj'); } else if (document.all) { return document.all.flash_im_popup_obj; } else if (document.layers) { return document.name.flash_im_popup_obj; } } else { if (document.getElementById) { return document.getElementById('flash_im_popup_emb'); } else if (document.all) { return document.all.flash_im_popup_emb; } else if (document.layers) { return document.name.flash_im_popup_emb; } }; } function ShowFlashObject(show_flag) { var flash_obj = GetMovieObj(); if (show_flag) { if (window.opera) { flash_obj.style = "width:380; height:80"; } else { flash_obj.width=380; flash_obj.height=80; } } else { if (window.opera) { flash_obj.style = "width:1; height:1"; } else { flash_obj.width=1; flash_obj.height=1; } } } function SetUnreadedMessagesCount(count) { //alert(count); document.getElementById("imessages").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("imessages_count").innerHTML = count; } function flash_loading_finished() { //ShowFlashObject(1); }; function ShowImWindow() { // Show Im messenger window window.open('/w_communicator/flash_im.php','flash_chat','menubar=0, resizable=1, scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0, width=800,height=600'); };

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